The artist finished the commission in a timely manner, and gave a couple of updates on how it was coming along. 10/10
BT_Bazooka on ych.commishes.c...stmas-ych/The artist did a wonderful job bringing the character to life in their style.
FlashyAmoeba on ych.commishes.c...ns-urgent/Fantastic looking piece delivered very quickly. Very friendly artist
PingCommish on ych.commishes.c...the-water/absolutely wonderful to work with! very fast and lovely work!!
cutie-coatl on art is so amazing! I love how they drew the characters and the details are amazing!
MamaRoseMilky on ych.commishes.c...ple-ych-3/Very very fancy and a wonderful artist to work with ~
Brisky on ych.commishes.c...stand-ych/