Excellent work and done very quickly and well! Love working with this artist~
noirsongbird on ych.commishes.c...ation-ych/Turned out great! Artist was lovely to work with, would definitely recommend!
bookshelfpassageway on ych.commishes.c.../male-ych/I love the way it came out and the service was fast! I recommend this person highly
Shapeshiftingtrash on ych.commishes.c...t-sex-ych/The art is amazing and the time until completion is supreme all expectations were surpased
Ziggyribs on ych.commishes.c...-boys-ych/the art surpassed all expectations and the time to completion was quick
Ziggyribs on ych.commishes.c...t-sex-ych/Sorry for the late answer. Forgot to answer back. The piece turned out pretty good. Thanks for doing them :)
Wasen on ych.commishes.c...-boys-ych/I really liked the light, but warm feeling to the artist's YCH of my character~! <3
guser on ych.commishes.c...stmas-ych/I like it but it says submission was deleted so idk what that's about
Pillzmansfox on ych.commishes.c...V/sex-ych/OMG OMG OMG~! SweetWatermelon is AMAZING! They were very communicative, quick, and helpful! I would ABSOLUTELY buy from again, because I LOVE MY ART!!!!
guser on ych.commishes.c...rryhuman-/Artist did great, looks like it was drawn with charcoal but done digitally
CatoMoff on ych.commishes.c...-of-sperm/