Another wonderful pair of Zamuroart designs made with care. They were also very prompt and courteous with their responses.
MirroredKnight on ych.commishes.c...ter-adopt/I'm not sure how to properly articulate how much this commission meant to me. I am beyond happy with the results and could never thank the artist enough for all their hard work.
MirroredKnight on artist and awesome art, definitely recommend!
bringdabooty on results were delayed through outside influences, but I couldn't possibly be happier about the results either way.
MirroredKnight on ych.commishes.c...ych-thicc/The artist was very courteous and responded at a timely manner. I love the adopt and plan to use her A LOT!
AdopterNo20978 on ych.commishes.c...irl-adopt/After a brief discussion the artist was able to make this gorgeous work.
MirroredKnight on artist was very easy to work with and I'm incredibly happy to have adopted such a lovely character from them!
MirroredKnight on ych.commishes.c...irl-adopt/Artist was prompt and courteous. I was happy to work with them again.
MirroredKnight on ych.commishes.c...secretary/Love the character that I got, artist was easy and quick to communicate with. Looking forward to more of their art!
SummonerElcrest on ych.commishes.c...opt-extra/