I love the adopted character design. The artist is very friendly and accepting of minor changes to the adopts, the artist was also very helpful through the adopt payment process. Definitely would recommend.
bringdabooty on ych.commishes.c...optable-2/Love her work so do so much in awe of her skills
ViviRayne on ych.commishes.c...doptable-/The artist was friendly and delivered the adopt quickly, as well as the adopt itself looking very good with high quality images.
KiraEevo on ych.commishes.c...y-adopt-1/Great artwork! The artist made the changes I requested and was great to work with!
crimsonautarch on ych.commishes.c...erfit-ych/The art turned out amazing and I really enjoyed working with the artist!
Pugglemancer on ych.commishes.c...again-ych/I absolutely loved this adopt <3 Everything about her is perfect!!! I look forward to more of your adopts in the future
KyubiNoKitsune on ych.commishes.c...use-adopt/Bat is a fantastic artist and always deliver the softest looking high quality art you can find. Always is fantastic to work with and a joy see post anything.
Zelkreshe on ych.commishes.c...akura-ych/The final product is absolutely wonderful! The artist is very friendly and communicative, and I would recommend them to anyone looking to get a very detailed and affordable art piece!
BumblingBufoon on ych.commishes.c...witch-ych/The artist was very kind, quick, and cooperative, and the finished design is lovely!
BumblingBufoon on ych.commishes.c...adoptable/great communication with the artist, show progress sketch and if changed need to be made, they delivered an amazing result for my character
benjdsen815 on ych.commishes.c...eater-ych/As always bats you do a fantastic job with these art peices hehe. I’m happy with how you drawn my gal and also enjoyed your style. Again happy to work with you before the end of the year. I look forward to work with you again next year.
DSLPIXEL on ych.commishes.c...stmas-ych/Character Design is very unique and lovely. The Artist was very fast with delivering the results. Thanks again for the adopt :D
Kidomax on ych.commishes.c...e-hunter-/Fantastic work and extremely pleasant to work with
Equal2 on ych.commishes.c...stmas-ych/This artist works super fast, and gives beautiful work and great communication ✨️
GhostfaceHaze on ych.commishes.c...andy-cane/Art turned out amazing, and artist was v easy to communicate with !! Def reccomend her :) !!
hottopicfucker on ych.commishes.c...-yoga-ych/Character turned out great, and the scene was done quickly.
Dooomba on ych.commishes.c...rl-ych-v2/Oh man, this is an amazing piece. Super glad to have gotten it.
Zelkreshe on ych.commishes.c...th-adopt-/Another fantastically made piece. Can't wait to see what else is cooked up in the future.
Zelkreshe on ych.commishes.c...upe-adopt/