This design looks amazing, and I'm happy to have her on my roster!
GameSalamander on ych.commishes.c...eel-rider/A very well designed character. Bought her as a gift to a friend
FMagooly on ych.commishes.c...doptable-/another brilliant piece, always happy with the results!
BeatGrimsley on ych.commishes.c...ering-ych/Love their work! Another to my collection! Thank you so much!!
AlphaSpartan117 on ych.commishes.c...cromancer/The art is great, and its always a pleasure to work with them
Hinrae on ych.commishes.c...r-design-/Absolutely beautiful work!! <3 Always a pleasure to work with ya!! :)
Neptune1300 on ych.commishes.c...-02-final/Love how it all came out! Wonderful work and the artist was very good at communicating with me.
AlphaSpartan117 on ych.commishes.c...cking-ych/Really cool character idea. Used the concept for a D&D character.
FistfulofBoob on ych.commishes.c...ubus-girl/Jonval is a great artist, and this is like my third adoptable from him. Love using them as ideas or concepts for D&D characters. Talented artist and quick as heck to communicate. Absolute legend, highly recommend!
FistfulofBoob on ych.commishes.c...hief-girl/Another gorgeous design! <3 Thank you!!! :)
Neptune1300 on ych.commishes.c...c-ts-girl/Quick work with excellent communication. Final product looks amazing! I love their style and how good it makes all the characters look!
panafonic on ych.commishes.c...girls-ych/Awesome and beautiful design!! <3 Thank you!!! :)
Neptune1300 on ych.commishes.c...ptable-02/Brilliant work done remarkably fast! Always a pleasure working together
BeatGrimsley on ych.commishes.c...D/ts-girl/This artist was fast did amazing work and was great to work with. Highly recommended and will be returning to
LunarWarlock on ych.commishes.c...sion-slot/Absolutely gorgeous work!! Friendly, Professional, and fast as well!! Thank you!!! Always a joy to work with you!
Neptune1300 on ych.commishes.c...e-ass-ych/Fast easy, and affordable. The art speaks for itself, she looks amazing!
tarantules on ych.commishes.c...-tits-ych/