One year ago

Very quick turnaround and great art. Highly recommend

mahoushoujokonpeito on ych.commishes.c...ters-ych-/
One year ago

This is up there for one of my favorite images of this character I've ever gotten done. Absolutely love it!

ToadieLee on ych.commishes.c...urryhuman/
One year ago

Super cute and the little details like the mushroom on the screen in the back are so super neat! Absolutely love it!

ToadieLee on ych.commishes.c...ll-render/
One year ago

My character looks adorable in this and Karmellittaa is wonderful to work with!

ToadieLee on ych.commishes.c...y-costume/
One year ago

This came out absolutely stunning! Completely blew me out of the water!! Thrilled!

ToadieLee on ych.commishes.c...fullcolor/
One year ago

great job with her interpretation!

SteelUrMind on ych.commishes.c...nny-suit-/
One year ago

absolute perfection!! i was blown away by how beautiful everything looks. and fast as well :D

taiwind on ych.commishes.c...character/
One year ago

This came out positively beautiful and the artist is a joy to work with! <3

ToadieLee on ych.commishes.c...haracters/
One year ago

Fats turn around and honestly amazing <3

AquamarineAshley on ych.commishes.c...fullcolor/
One year ago

They where very fast and the art came out perfect ^~^

NPCNoko on ych.commishes.c...fullcolor/